December 06, 2020

Dec 2, 2020 online lecture ‘Improving communication through the Arts’

On Dec 2nd, online lecture ‘Improving communication through the Arts’ was conducted by Yoko Hayashi. CU SOA ‘91, Headif NPO Arts Alive. 
The lecture included demonstration of Conversational Art Appreciation Program called Artrip. This methodology was originally created by MOMA, and Ms. Hayashi was certified there. 
4 guests participated in the ARTRIP program and the rest of audience watched the process. We viewed 2 paintings and participants were enjoyed learning different perspectives of others, and stimulating the part of brain we usually do not use. 
Ms. Hayashi explained at the end how such Art Appreciation Program can help improve the communication in business setting as well. Due to COVID 19 and VUCA world, companies need to change faster in order to take risk and survive in this world where we are unsure of future. We can improve our ability to observe,  feel and express ourselves better through the Arts Appreciation Program and that can improve the capability of many companies to innovate. 

「コロナ禍で高まるアートの役割」と題して、CU SOA ’91、アーツアライブ代表理事 林容子氏にオンライン講演を実施して頂きました。

当日は、対話型アート鑑賞プログラム、ARTRIP の体験を4人がしている様子を視聴頂き、クリエイティブな会になりました。カイユボットとレジェの絵画をじっくり観ながら、林様の質問に答え、自由な発想をして、自分が感じたことを対話する。参加者の方は、違う見方を聴けて面白い、一人で美術館に行くのとは違う刺激があった、普段使わない脳をたくさん使ったなど、非常にポジティブな感想を頂きました。

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