CUAAJ General Assembly Meeting is on Nov 6, 2015 / RSVP needed

CUAAJ cordially invites you to our annual general membership meeting.
A formal dinner will follow the meeting.

Friends and spouses are welcome to join us.

We have selected the historic Tokyo Club as our venue this year. The Tokyo Club was established in 1844, and this meeting will be a great experience to see this exclusive club from the inside.

Fee: CUAAJ members who have paid their annual membership fee: 5,500 yen    Non-members: 6,500yen
Membership information:

※Strict Dress Code: Jacket and tie are required for men. Women are requested to dress appropriately for a formal dinner.
※Note: Parking at the club is for members-only.

Advance payment is required. 
Please send your payment to:

Bank: The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.,
Branch Code: Headquarters/Honten (本店) (#001)
Account: Ordinary Deposit Account (フ) #1721102
Name: コロンビアダイガクニホンドウソウカイカイチヨウ トミタヒロヤス (ko ro n bi a da i ga ku ni ho n do u so u ka i ka i chi yo u to mi ta hi ro ya su)

名義:コロンビア大学日本同窓会会長 富田浩安

We recommend RSVP at your earliest convenience, as the number of seats available is limited. 
Please RSVP by November 2nd to [email protected] with your information (name, affiliation, contact info, and the date you remit your payment). We will send you a confirmation upon receiving your RSVP.

November 06, 2015 at 7:00pm - 10pm

Tokyo Club

1-9 14 Roppongi
Minato-ku, , Tokyo 106-0032

Hajime Kosai
