Mar. 15, 2017: CBSCJ Japan Study Trip Welcome Reception with discussion about turnaround in Japan

Summary of the event:
CBSCJ Chazen Japan Study Trip Welcome Reception with lecture from alumni:「Turnaround and industrial revitalization - views from front lines of industry, finance and policy making-」
Date: March 15 (Wednesday), 2017
Time: 19:00-
RSVP required
5,500yen (Paid CBSCJ member for 2017 due)
6,000 yen (Others)
Contact: [email protected]


Columbia Business School Club Japan is hosting a welcome party for Japan Study Trip. The group of CBS students (around 80 students) will be visiting Japan to talk with some of the leading companies in Japan. Companies they are visiting include Toyota, Omron, ANA et al.

This year, we will have Mr. Ikeya (subject to change), class of 88 and Mr. Yutaka Yoshimoto, class of 94, as the guest speakers. Both have a lot of experience in the turnaround area and they will talk about the role of management in turnaround.
(The lecture will be conducted in English)

It's a great opportunity for you to talk with current students. Please join us!

Also please find following link on sponsorship request from Mr. Takamoto, CBS 2017 and the student organizer of the Japan Study Trip. We ask you for your kindness to support this trip.

Needs RSVP

Please email following information to [email protected] by Mar 3
◆◆◆Japan Study Trip reception◆◆◆◆
attend/will not attend
I would like to donate/No I do not
Name (in English)
email address
Membership status: 2017 due paid (Yes/No)
I got this information through CUAAJ mail/website


Details of the event:

Date: March 15 (Wednesday), 2017
Time: 19:00-
18:30 : Door opens
19:00 : Lecture and Q&A
20:00 : Alumni welcome party

Mr. Koji Ikeya(subject to change) , CBS class of '88, Member of the Board, CFO, Executive Vice President (Finance, Controlling & Accounting), MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION
Mr. Yutaka Yoshimoto, CBS class of '94, Deputy Director-General, Commerce and Information Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Profile: please refer to the link here:

Title of speech: 「Turnaround and industrial revitalization - views from front lines of industry, finance and policy making-」

Venue: Quartz Gallery
    Address: 〒150-0002 2-10-10 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Japan

5,500yen (Paid CBSCJ member for 2017 due)
6,000 yen (Others)

CBSCJ is looking forward to seeing you then !

March 15, 2017 at 7:00pm - 9pm

Quartz Gallery

10-10 Shibuya 2 chome
Shibuya-ku,, Tokyo 150-0002

Hajime Kosai

Kazuhiko Mori Nick Yen Hajime Kosai

Will you come?