Columbia Alumnae Speaks at April 12 event

This is an event notification that Columbia Alumnae spaeks at the event.

Details:  or brochure

RSVP here please by April 9:


*Conversation Series


Largest Bank:

On the Cutting Edge of International Finance”


Ms. Mana Nabeshima: 

Country Head of Japan, DBS Tokyo Branch,

CEO, DBS Securities (Japan) Company Limited


Mr. Sadaaki Numata: Chairman,

The English-Speaking Union of Japan (ESUJ);

Former Ambassador to Canada


After 12 years at Goldman Sachs as a Managing Director in Singapore and Tokyo, Ms. Mana Nabeshima is currently Country Head of Japan for DBS Bank Tokyo Branch, and CEO of DBS Securities (Japan), established in 2016 by the largest bank in Southeast Asia. She has carved out her career in this highly competitive field while educating her three children in Japan, Singapore and Malaysia. Come and enjoy the freewheeling questions and answers with her, who will shed light on how to tackle challenges in the globalized world of finance and to balance the requirements of a professional and a mother.



Friday 12 April 2019         18:45~20:45

Venue:  Aux Bacchanales Kioicho, 4-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku  Tel: 03-5276-3422

Charge (including snacks and drinks):  

3,500 yen for ESUJ, JSA, and CCCJ Members

3,000 yen for Students

4,000 yen for Non-member          



To attend:


Please apply to the ESUJ Office in advance by Tuesday 9 April

Cancellation on/after Thursday 4 April or no show will be charged.


Profile: Mana Nabeshima, Mana is the Country Head of Japan for DBS Bank Tokyo Branch as well as the CEO of DBS Securities (Japan) Company Limited since 2016.  Before joining DBS in Singapore in 2015, she was a housewife for 2.5 years to join her husband’s relocation to Malaysia.  


She worked for Goldman Sachs for 12 years as Managing Director in Singapore and in Tokyo in the Fixed Income Department.  Prior to GS, she worked for Citibank in Derivatives and Private Banking.


Mana earned a BA in International Relations, summa cum laude from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1989 and a MIA from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University in 1991.












鍋嶋 麻奈氏      DBS銀行東京支店 在日代表

沼田 貞昭       日本英語交流連盟会長(元カナダ大使)




2019年4月12日(金) 18:45〜20:45

場所:オーバカナル(Aux Bacchanales)紀尾井町 

赤坂見附駅 Exit D or 7

千代田区紀尾井町 4-1 Tel: 03-5276-3422

参加費 (軽食、ドリンク込み)

ESUJ、JSA, CCCJ会員   3,500

学生                                   3,000

一般                                 4,000









プロフィール: 鍋嶋 麻奈 

現在は、DBS銀行東京支店の在日代表とDBS証券株式会社の代表取締役を2016年より兼務。2015年にDBS銀行に入行する前の  2年半は夫のマレーシア転勤に帯同。


1989年に米国オハイオ・ウェズリアン大学より学士号、1991年にコロンビア大学院 School of International and Public Affairsより修士号。

April 12, 2019 at 6:45pm - 8:45pm


4-1 Kioicho
Shin Kioicho Bldg. 1F,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 1020094