(CUAAJ Lecture event) Speech by Mr. James S. Kunen, author of “The Strawberry Statement”
On July 29 (Sat) from 18:00PM @ Aux Bacchanales RSVP needed: (Lecture will be conducted in English), (Japanese message follows)
The Columbia University Alumni Association of Japan (CUAAJ) cordially invites all Columbia alumni and friends to our latest lecture event. Mr. James S. Kunen, author of The Strawberry Statement: Notes of a College Revolutionary (1969), will speak about "The Meaning of The Strawberry Statement for My Life: Why a Former Student Radical Ended Up being an English Teacher for the New Immigrants"
Mr. Kunen has experienced various occupations during the 49 years following the Columbia University protests of 1968. His speech will be a wonderful opportunity to think about how we get through turbulent experiences while maintaining personality and conscience. Please join us for this event!
Event Details:
Speaker: Mr. James S. Kunen (His Profile is available here)
Topic: "The Meaning of The Strawberry Statement for My Life: Why a Former Student Radical Ended Up being an English Teacher for the New Immigrants"
Date: Saturday, July 29, 2017
Doors Opens at 17:30, Lecture (Q&A) 18:00 ~ 19:00, Reception from 19:00 ~ 21:00
Place: AUX BACCHANALES (Kioicho Store)
Address of Venue: Shin Kioicho Bldg. 1F, 4-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Tel. 03-5276-3422 / Fax. 03-5276-3501 (Please go straight to the party space in the back of the store)
Admission Fee:
CUAAJ Members who have paid annual dues – 3,000 yen;
Non-members – 3,500 yen. (Payment will be collected at the door)
Language: English
Note: Advance registration is required. Seats are limited. first come first served basis
Please RSVP by emailing [email protected] with your name, contact, and affiliation (class and school) by Monday, July 24th, 2017.
CUAAJ contact: [email protected]
Yumiko Nozaki +81-90-8749-4885
Hajime Kosai: +81-90-9814-4248
『いちご白書(The Strawberry Statement)』(1969)原作者 James S. Kunen氏講演会
今回は、ノンフィクション『いちご白書(The Strawberry Statement)』(1969)原作者James S. Kunen氏をお招きし、「いちご白書的な『ぼく』の生き方―日本人へのメッセージ」と題してお話いただきます。1968年米コロンビア大学闘争から49年。様々な仕事を経験してきた Kunen氏が、激動の現代社会で自分らしさを失わず、ポジティブに生き抜く知恵を伝授します。多くの皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。
講師:James S. Kunen氏
開場17:30 講演会(Q&A) 18:00~19:00、レセプション19:00~21:00
Tel. 03-5276-3422 / Fax. 03-5276-3501
参加ご希望の方は [email protected] あてにemailにて氏名、卒業学部、年度、および、コロンビア大学日本同窓会の会員か非会員かをご明記の上、7月24日(月曜日)までにRSVPお願いいたします。
CUAAJ 問い合わせ先:
野崎由美子 +81-90-8749-4885
香西元: +81-90-9814-4248