Over 80 people joined us on Monday, Oct. 30th at the Tokyo Club for the annual general membership and dinner meeting.
Over 80 people joined us on Monday, Oct. 30th at the Tokyo Club for the annual general membership and dinner meeting.
We reviewed the club's yearly activities and finances, then we discussed our hopes and plans for the future of the club.
At the beginning of the event, we have a mini lecture from Mr. Makoto Hiranuma (BUS 84), Management Advisor, Suzutoku Holdings Co. Ltd. Mr. Hiranuma talked about “4 Billion Dollars Enterprise of Resource Recycle for Sustainable Earth”. After the lecture, we have a keynote speech from Mr. Shinjiro Koizumi, (GS06) Member of House of representative, LDP. We thank everyone who attended, and we look forward to seeing many more of you at future gatherings.
Venue:Tokyo Club 1-9-14, Roppongi , Minato-ku, Tokyo,
平成29年10月30日(月曜日)に CUAAJ の2017年度年次総会が開催されました。
会務報告、決算報告のあと、スズトクホールディング株式会社の顧問、平沼亮様 (BUS ’84) より「都市鉱山・高度循環型社会を担う2,000憶円企業の組成」について講演していただきました。
会場:一般社団法人 東京倶楽部にて
Words from Mr. Fukuda, President
Mr. Koizumi was giving a speech
Mr. Hiranuma is giving a lecture
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