Members are the first to know of the upcoming events and enjoy fee discounts for events as well. To find out more about our membership structure and how to become a member, please see below.
Membership Structure
We have two types of membership.
1. Regular member
Anyone who is eligible to join CUAAJ can become a regular member by submitting an initial fee of 5,000 JPY, in addition to the annual fee of 3,000 JPY. Exceptions to the initial fee may be granted by the board. A regular member can receive events invitations and attend the general meeting. Event fee is discounted for members compared to non-members.
2. Permanent member
A regular or a new member who is at or above 65 years of age, who pays a one-time fee of 30,000 JPY instead of the annual fee. No annual fee will be collected thereafter.
*The initial fee applies to both types of membership (new members). There is no difference in events fee between the two membership types either.
*The annual fee applies to everyone, including those who had become a member of the CUAAJ before September 30, 2014.
How to Become a Member
For application, please download the membership application form: click here, fill them in and send it to <[email protected]>. We will send another application form for an automated wire transfer system in return which needs to be sent back to us.
For the time being, the initial fee of 5,000 JPY may be waived for those who choose the automatic transfer.
入会については、以下フォームをここからclick hereダウンロードの上情報を入力いただき<[email protected]>まで、記入後のファイルを返信ください。Regular Memberの皆様につきましては、年会費は自動振替を推奨しております。
We understand that setting up an automated renewal process may not be an option for those who do not own a Japanese bank account. If you would prefer direct deposit, please contact <[email protected]> and ask for the direct deposit information.
Thank you, and we look forward to serving you.
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