“How to promote work-style reforms in Japan”
On March 7, CUAAJ had the Lecture Event with Ms. Atsuko Muraki, Former-Vice Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, titled “How to Promote Work-Style Reforms? Ms.Muraki encouraged participation and facilitated active discussion on the topic of work-style reforms and women’s active participation and diversity in Japan.
Ms. Muraki is well known for being wrongly accused of a fraud and detained for about five months, yet proved her innocence and succeed to be the second women to serve as Vice Minister in the central government. When she joined Ministry of Labour in 1978, years before the enforcement of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law, females were in the minority (2-3%) in the ministry. She married her colleague at age 26 and gave birth to two daughters at age 29 and 35. Because the couple lived far from their home towns, they could not rely on their parents for child care. Yet, with support from nursery schools and others, Ms. Muraki managed to balance work and family. After retiring from Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare, she joined Tsuda University as Guest Lecturer and Itochu Corporation as Member of the Board.
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