(CUAAJ event) Dec. 9 New initiative webinar CU alumni Mr. Yamashita, Member of the House of Representatives

New Webinar Series: CUAAJ Alumni lecture relay CU community distinguished speaker series

Kick off by Mr. Yamashita (CLS 97) Member of the House of Representatives on December 9


Dear CUAAJ members:

CUAAJ is proudly presents new webinar series. The idea is to connect Columbia Community with alumnae/us distinguished speakers. First session is inviting  Mr. Yamashita (CLS 97) Member of the House of Representatives to speak. 
Each lecturer will select an alumnus/ae from their network to be the next lecturer in the series, which will continue in this relay-style manner.. 

Please join us on this new initiative:

Event Details
When: December 9 (Wednesday) 19:30-
Format: Webinar (access information will be informed these who register)
Speaker:Mr. Yamashita (CLS 97) Member of the House of Representatives (Here is his profile)
Topic: ”Year-time Chronicles for politics in Japan"

Please RSVP from this site

or email [email protected] with your name, school, year of graduation and your contact information. 

Please join us. 

CUAAJ イベント 新企画 CU Alumni リレー講演:ウェビナー12月9日午後7時半~:山下衆議院議員(97年ロースクール卒)によるレクチャー

CUAAJ会員の皆様:今般CUAAJとして、新たなセミナーイベントの企画を致しました。CU Alumni リレーと称し、卒業生の方に話をしていただき、その後、ご友人をご紹介いただき、次回のウェビナーとしてまいります。

キックオフは山下議員(CLS 1997)にて開始いたします。是非奮ってご参加ください。山下議員のプロフィールはこちら

日時:12月9日 19:30-20:30
講師:衆議院議員山下たかし様                                                トピック:日本の政治歳時記



December 09, 2020 at 7:30pm - 8:30pm


Kyohei Ueda Makoto Ohnuma Masao Mizuguchi Kakuji Mitani Sugino Yoshikazu Masao Toyama Yoshimasa Fuurta Soichiro Fujiwara Ichiro Oya Hiroto Inoue Shigeru Ando Keiji Tonomura Satoshi Karashima Emiko Matsui Naoko Takayanagi Shohei Takahashi Gailynn Kashiwagi Fumihide Sugimoto Shigeyoshi Ezaki Takashi Tsukioka Hiroaki Ishihara Yumiko Aoi Takenori Segawa Jackie Hearne Hiroshi Oishi Tamotsu Kuwahara Hiroyuki Ishizuka Tsuyoshi Matsuhata Masayoshi Fujii Hiromi Ando Nobuaki Ito Toru Sadamasu Takayuki Ito Michiko Yamamoto Katsuyuki Yamaguchi Hajime Kosai

Will you come?