CBSCJ event
June 16 (Wed), Webinar "Will vaccination work on new coronavirus variant ? - lessons from developed countries and directions of Japan" by Mr. Kosuke Motani (CBS1994)
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イベントサマリー/Event Summary
講演/質疑応答・午後7:00〜8:00 (zoomによるウェビナー形式:参加申し込みされた方にリンクをお送りいたします)
テーマ:「コロナワクチンは変異株に効くのか? 先行国の動向から読む、日本の今後の展開」
Date: June 16, 2021 (Wednesday )
7:00PM to 8:00 PM
Discussion subject; "Will vaccination work on new coronavirus variant? – lessons from developed countries and directions of Japan."
(Speech will be conducted in Japanese language)
Venue: Webinar (zoom)
Admission Fee: Free
今回は日本総合研究所 主席研究員の藻谷浩介様に「コロナワクチンは変異株に効くのか? 先行国の動向から読む、日本の今後の展開」と題しご講演いただくこととなりました。藻谷様は1994年CBSを卒業されましたが、2010年に「デフレの正体」を上梓され、永らくデフレにあえいでいた日本経済に斬新な分析の切り口を提示され一躍脚光を浴びた最も注目されるエコノミストです。また「里山資本主義」をはじめ地方創生に関わる著書も多数ございます。今回もコロナワクチンの大規模接種がようやく始まる中、会員の皆様に、括目に値するご講演をして頂けると期待しております。
(株)日本総合研究所 主席研究員
(株)日本政策投資銀行地域企画部 特任顧問
1964年、山口県生まれ。1988年東大法学部卒業、1994年コロンビアビジネススクール卒業。平成合併前3,200市町村のすべて、海外94ヶ国を自費で訪問し、地域特性を多面的に把握。 地域振興や人口成熟問題に関し精力的に研究・著作・講演を行う。著書にデフレの正体、里山資本主義 (KADOKAWA)、金融緩和の罠(集英社)、しなやかな日本列島のつくりかた、和の国富論、観光立国の正体(共に新潮社)、世界まちかど地政学(毎日新聞出版)、東京脱出論(ブックマン社)など多数。
参加申し込み:こちらのリンクから申し込みいただくか、Eメール[email protected] にお名前、学校、卒業年、連絡先をお送りください。
CBSCJ will cordially invite you to a webinar as a part of monthly meeting in June.
Mr. Kosuke Motani, Class of '94, Chief Senior Economist, the Japan Research Institute, Limited will talk about "Will vaccination work on new coronavirus variant? – lessons from developed countries and directions of Japan." Mr. Motani has graduated from CBS in 1994 and is the economist who draws attention in Japan now. He wrote “The truth of deflation” in 2010 and provided a new and a standout analysis to Japanese deflation. He also wrote many books about local revitalization including “Satoyama (rural) capitalism.” When the large scale vaccination projects started in Japan, we expect his lecture will draw close attention.
You can invite your families and friends to the event. Please join !
Brief Bio of Mr. Motani
Chief Senior Economist, the Japan Research Institute, Limited
Special advisor, Regional Planning Department, Development Bank of Japan
Head of NPO ComPus
Born in Yamaguchi Prefecture in 1964, Mr. Motani had traveled 94 foreign countries and all 3200 Japanese cities, towns and villages before Heisei grand integration. Mr. Motani is known as "The Top Figure in Japan in the Field of Demography and Regional Economy Promotion” in creating and presenting strategies for helping national and local governments, private enterprises and NPOs toward economic prosperity and business success. He is the author of many best-sellers including Defure no Shotai ( “Non-monetary deflation in Japan") and Satoyama Capitalism.
Mr. Motani graduated from the University of Tokyo with a BA in Law in 1988 and acquired an MBA from Columbia Business School in 1994.