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「日本経済・日本企業復活に向けたカギを探る」講演 第2回-Top consultantが語る日本企業復活に向けた提言
「日本経済・日本企業復活に向けたカギを探る」ことを題材とした講演の第2回として、戦略コンサルティングファームBain&Companyのシニアパートナー市井茂樹氏(BUS 94)にご登壇いただき、
市井氏による基調講演の後は、CBSCJ同窓会会長であり三菱自動車CFOである池谷光司氏(BUS 88)、経産省で大臣官房政策立案総括審議官を務めた後、現在JSRで執行役員を務める吉本豊氏(BUS 94)をはじめとする日本企業の経営者の方々との対談として、
RSVP: ご参加希望の方はこちらからご登録お願いします。
日時:11月14日午後7時〜9時 (6時半開場)
¥6,000 (Peatixによる事前支払い)
¥7,000 (当日払い ※当日払いの場合でもPeatix経由で参加登録お願いします。)
¥7,000 (Peatixによる事前支払い)
¥8,000 (当日払い ※当日払いの場合でもPeatix経由で参加登録お願いします。)
会員資格につき問い合わせいただく場合[email protected] までお願い致します。
Save the date and RSVP!!
CBSCJ Event featuring a presentation by Shigeki Ichii (Bain&Company senior partner) on Nov 11 @Gakushi Kaikan
Mr. Shigeki Ichii, senior partner in Bain&Company, will be talking about the reasons for the stagnation of Japanese companies and how management should be.
Mr. Ichii's keynote speech will be followed by a discussion with a number of Japanese corporate executives, including Mr. Koji Ikeya, Chairman of the CBSCJ Alumni Association and CFO of Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, and Mr. Yutaka Yoshimoto, who currently serves as Executive Officer at JSR after serving as Director for Policy Planning, Minister's Secretariat at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
The discussion will be based on questions from the participants, and will include "Why Japanese companies have been stagnant for the past 30 years" and "What is needed to revive the Japanese economy and Japanese companies in the future".
Event details
Date and Time: Nov 14 (Monday), 19:00pm-21:00pm (Door opens at 18:30)
Venue: Gakushi Kaikan: 3-28 Kandanishiki-cho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8459
Click here for speaker profiles:
CBSCJ member
¥6,000 (advance payment through Peatix)
¥7,000 (Payment at the door at the venue)
¥7,000 (advance payment through Peatix)
¥8,000 (Payment at the door at the venue)
RSVP and payment from here
Contact: Hajime Kosai BUS 96, Hisanori Kataoka BUS 99, Shohei Kishiya BUS 18 [email protected]