This year, Columbia Business School Club of Japan invites you to the BBQ at Tokyo Rinkai Disaster Prevention Park BBQ Garden. Please bring yourself- meat, vegetables, drinks and BBQ kits are ready. Just grill ! Please bring your family members.
Open for all Columbia families.
今年のサマーアウティングは東京臨海防災公園 そなエリアBBQガーデンでバーベキューを行います。食材、飲み物、バーベキュー道具は準備されていますので手ぶらでお越しください。ご家族もぜひお連れください。
Event details/イベント詳細 8月28日午前10時集合 @そなエリア東京BBQガーデン
(〒135-0063東京都江東区有明3丁目8番35号:開始後は自由解散) ゆりかもめ有明駅下車徒歩3分
タープ設置しますので多少の雨でも行いますが台風などの場合は中止 フィー: CBSCJ会員(今年度CBSCJ会費支払い済みの方):4000円 CBSCJ非会員(今年度CBSCJ会費未支払いの方):5000円 小学生以下:1500円
Date:August 28 10AM @ Sona Area Tokyo BBQ Garden (3-8-35 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo : BBQ will be dismissed whenever you want)
3 min from Yurikamome Ariake station
There is no parking space at the BBQ garden. Please use a parking lot near the park.
Canceled in case of stormy weather Fee: (Pay at Peatix) CBSCJ member (those who paid annual due): 4,000yen Non CBSCJ member (those who did not pay annual due): 5,000yen Elementary school students and under: 1,500yen 会員資格不明の方は [email protected] あて問い合わせ願います。 Inquiries about your membership: Please send email to [email protected]
# of seats is limited, first come first served basis.
Please join us!
Contact: Hisanori Kataoka BUS 99 [email protected]