CVC Japan presents Startup Founder Talk on Wednesday November 3, 20:30 - 21:30 JST


CVC Japan presents Startup Founder Talk on Wednesday November 3, 20:30 - 21:30 JST


Body (日本語)


テーマ:Startup Founder Talk








Columbia Venture Community (CVC) Japan Chapterでは、Link Strollersの創業者兼CEOである木村仁美氏をお招きして、オンライントークを開催します。東京の大手企業会社員からニューヨークのスタートアップ創業者と母親になるまでの今までの仕事とプライベート面でのご経験についてお話頂きます。



  • 東京の大企業からニューヨークのスタートアップファウンダーへの転身
  • ニューヨークでの事業運営と子育ての経験
  • コロンビア大学卒の起業家向けのコワーキング施設「Columbia Startup Lab」から受けられるサポートやメリットについて






・本イベントはZoom Webinarで行われます。参加方法は、メールにてご登録いただいた方全員にご案内いたします。

・本イベントはコロンビア大学日本同窓会(Columbia University Alumni Association of Japan)およびコロンビアビジネススクールジャパン(Columbia Business School Club of Japan)協力のもと開催いたします。



Featured Speaker



木村仁美 | スタートアップCEO・アドバイザー

慶應義塾大学法学部卒。JPMorgan銀行東京支店入行後、コロンビア大学経営科学/工学部大学院卒業(MS&E)JPMorganでは債券調査部で円金利ストラテジストとして多数のリサーチを執筆し、日本国債市場のスペシャリストとして活躍。その後JPMorganニューヨーク本店プライベートバンクで投資アドバイザーを勤め、東京三菱銀行ニューヨーク支店での勤務を経て、起業。Columbia Startup Labの一員に選抜され、ニューヨークで複数のStartup起業に携わる。2019年よりNYMadison Square Parkの準役員。趣味はスキューバーダイビングとコーヒーを飲む事。




Columbia Venture Community(CVC)は、アントレプレナーシップとイノベーションのあらゆる側面に関心を持つ約6,000人のコロンビア大学の卒業生からなるネットワーク。2006年に設立されたCVCは、これまでに世界中で480以上のイベントを主催。 今日、CVCは複数のグローバルプログラム、対面でのイベントやバーチャルイベント、メンバーがリソースを共有するためのオンラインコミュニティを運営。CVCはコロンビア同窓会(CAA)の下で正式に "shared interest group" (SIG) として活動しており、大学と密接に連携しています。



Body (English):

Event Summary

Theme: Startup Founder Talk

Date: Wednesday, November 3 20:30 - 21:30 JST

Venue: Zoom

Language: Japanese

Registration: Please register through the event page below.

Fee: Free


About this Event

The Japan Chapter of the Columbia Venture Community (CVC) is pleased to invite you to a virtual talk with Hitomi Kimura Pender, the Founder & CEO of Link Strollers. She will share her career and personal journey from a corporate professional in Tokyo to a startup founder & a mother in New York City.


In this virtual Startup Founder Talk, we will touch on the following topics:

  • Her career transition from established corporates in Tokyo to a founder in New York City
  • Her professional and personal experience in New York City running a business and raising children
  • Support and benefits from Columbia Startup Lab, co-working facility located at WeWork Soho West that provides subsidized space for Columbia alumni entrepreneurs to house and nurture their fledgling ventures.


If you're interested in switching from a corporate/enterprise career to a career in startups or starting your own business in New York, make sure you're able to attend this event!



  • This event will be conducted in Japanese, and the English translation will NOT be provided.
  • This event will occur via Zoom Webinar. The instructions to join will be sent to all registered attendees via email before the event date.
  • This event will be organized in collaboration with Columbia University Alumni Association of Japan (CUAAJ) and Columbia Business School Club of Japan (CBSCJ)



Featured Speaker


Hitomi Kimura Pender, Startup Founder & Advisor

After receiving a Bachelor of Law from Keio University, Hitomi joined JPMorgan Bank in Tokyo and received a Master's Degree, Management Science and Engineering from Columbia University. At JPMorgan, she worked as a Japan interest rate strategist in the Fixed Income Research Department, where she wrote numerous research articles and specialized in the Japanese government bond market. After working as an investment advisor at JPMorgan's New York Head Office Private Bank and at the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi in New York, she started her own business. Selected as a member of Columbia Startup Lab, she has been involved in several startups in New York. Since 2019, she has been an associate board member of Madison Square Park. Her hobbies include scuba diving and drinking coffee.



More about CVC:

Columbia Venture Community (CVC) is a network of nearly 6,000 Columbia alumni interested in all aspects of entrepreneurship and innovation. Founded in 2006, CVC has hosted more than 480 events around the world. Today, CVC hosts multiple global programs, in-person and virtual events, and an online community for members to share resources. CVC is officially a "shared interest group" (SIG) under the Columbia Alumni Association (CAA) and works closely with the University.



November 03, 2021 at 8:30pm - 9:30pm

Zoom Webinar