CVC Japan - The Future of Mobility: the World of Autonomous Vehicles

Dec 22, 2023 10 AM

Event name: The Future of Mobility: the World of Autonomous Vehicles

Date & Time:
Friday, December 22 10:00am - 11:00am JST
Thursday, December 21 20:00 - 21:00 EST
Thursday, December 21 17:00 - 18:00 PST


Please note that this event will be conducted in Japanese, and English translation will NOT be provided. This event is open to the public.

About this Event
The Japan Chapter of Columbia Venture Community (CVC) is pleased to invite you to a virtual session with Shin Kato, a staff technical product manager at Cruise, a driverless technology startup. Cruise, acquired by General Motors in 2016, is the only leader in the autonomous vehicle technologies sector that launched as a startup. The company has been testing its driverless technology in various cities, including San Francisco, and working toward deploying a commercial autonomous ride-hailing service. During this session, he will share with us his experience as a product manager and his insights into the autonomous vehicle industry as well as his professional journey to date.

Topics to be covered:
His career history, including his time pursuing an MBA, and his experience as a product manager
The factors that led him to join Cruise and the company history
Current progress and future directions in the autonomous vehicle industry

Introduction to CVC Japan
Presentation by the Featured Speaker
Q&A and Discussions

This event will be conducted in Japanese, and English translation will NOT be provided.
This event will occur via Zoom. The instructions to join will be sent to all registered attendees via email before the event date.
This event is supported by Columbia University Alumni Association of Japan (CUAAJ) and Columbia Business School Club of Japan (CBSCJ)
By registering for an event organized by Columbia Venture Community, you agree to comply with our Privacy Policy.

コロンビアベンチャーコミュニティ・ジャパンチャプター(CVC Japan)では、自動運転技術スタートアップ、Cruiseでプロダクトマネージャーとして働かれている 加藤晋一氏をお招きしてオンラインセッションを開催します。2016年にゼネラル・モーターズによって買収されたクルーズは、自動運転技術の分野においてスタートアップとして起業した唯一の会社です。同社はサンフランシスコを含むアメリカの様々な都市で自動運転技術のテスト実施しており、自動運転タクシーの商業展開に向けて取り組んでいます。本セッションでは、プロダクトマネージャーとしてのこれまでのご経験や自動運転車業界に対する加藤氏の知見、そして今までのキャリア形成についてお話しいただきます。


Columbia Venture Community Japanの紹介



Featured Speaker


Shin Kato | Staff Technical Product Manager, Cruise
Shin, currently residing in the San Francisco Bay Area, serves as a Staff Technical Product Manager for Autonomy Performance at Cruise, a driverless technology startup. Commencing his career as a Front End Engineer at a Japanese startup post-graduation, Shin later worked as a technology consultant at Accenture Tokyo office. After obtaining an MBA from Columbia Business School in 2012, he contributed significantly to the growth of retail and digital businesses at Amazon Japan, where he launched Prime Music, transforming it into the leading music streaming service, and introduced Alexa to Japan in 2017. Relocating to the San Francisco Bay Area in 2017, Shin assumed the role of Principal Product Manager at Amazon, overseeing the development of new AI-powered experiences and essential infrastructure like the Data Platform at Amazon Music and AWS AI. Joining Cruise in June 2022, Shin now focuses on building crucial products to expedite the validation of simulation-based ML models and tech stack. He holds an MBA from Columbia Business School and a Bachelor of Arts in economics from Waseda University.

加藤 晋一 | Staff Technical Product Manager, Cruise
サンフランシスコを拠点とし、現在は自動運転技術スタートアップのCruiseでStaff Technical Product Managerとして自動運転の検証を支えるプロダクトの開発に従事している。大学卒業後、日本のスタートアップでフロントエンドエンジニアとしてプロダクト開発に従事したのち、アクセンチュア東京オフィスでテクノロジーコンサルタントとして様々なプロジェクトを推進した。2012年のコロンビアビジネススクールでMBAを取得したのち、Amazon Japanでリテイルとデジタルビジネスの成長をドライブし、Prime Musicを立ち上げて日本最大のストリーミングサービスに成長させ、2017年にはアレクサの日本での導入をリードした。2017年にベイエリアに拠点を移してから、Principal Product ManagerとしてAIを活用した機能の開発やAI/MLの開発に不可欠なインフラの開発にAmazon MusicとAWS AIで従事。2022年にCruiseに移り、現在はMLモデルのシミュレーション環境で検証を加速させるプロダクト開発をリードしている。コロンビアビジネススクールで経営学修士号(MBA)、早稲田大学で経済学学士号(BA)を取得。



December 22, 2023 at 10:00am - 11am

Online Webinar