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Global TC Day 2019: Living in Japan as a...
Don’t judge a book by its cover/ Un-judge someone!
What is Global TC Day?
Global TC Day is a celebration of Columbia University's Teachers College. It is a chance for alumni around the world to connect with each other, and with their greater communities. The events are NOT limited to TC alumni and faculty. The Teachers College Columbia University Japan Alumni Association (TCCUJAA) holds Gloabl TC Day events annually during the summer as a chance to both develop professionally and connect socially. This year's Global TC Day celebration will take the form of a Human Library workshop.What is the Human Library™?
The Human Library™ is a framework for creating conversations that aim to challenge and defy stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue. It was first developed in Copenhagen in 2000 at the Roskilde Music Festival by two brothers and their friends. Since then, it has been held in over 90 countries, partnering with international organizations and institutions such as the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Council of Europe. It is a place where “difficult questions are expected, appreciated and answered”.
(Adapted from the Human Library Organization website )
ヒューマンライブラリーは、人生のストーリーが聞ける対話型のイベントです 。2000年にデンマークの若者たちが、北欧最大の音楽祭であるロスキレ・フェスティバ ルで始めた「人を貸し出す図書館」は、社会のなかで誤解や偏見を受けやすい人々が「本」になり、一般「読者」と対話をすることで相互理解を深めることを目的として います。この「人間図書館」は、欧州評議 会(Council of Europe)を巻き込みながら発展し、瞬く間に世界中に広がりました。現在では、90か国以上で開催されています。
(日本ヒューマンライブラリー学会HPより )Event theme: Living in Japan as a “---”/ 日本で「――」として生きる
In this event, our “books” will share real life stories of living in Japan as they co-exist with their social labels and stereotypes. Come join us as we build a dialogue and learn from each other by sharing stories, asking and trying to answer challenging yet crucial questions!
バラエティに富んだ「本」たちが 、日本での生活におけるリアルな経験を語ります。普段は聞きにくいこと・話しにくいことを、ダイアローグを通して学び合いませんか?ヒューマンライブラリーに興味のある方・いつもと少し違った世界を見てみたい方を対象に、対話の時間を作ります!Date: Sunday, July 28
Time: 2pm to 5pm (social event from 6pm)
Place: Sophia University, Building 2 Room 402
Price: 500 yen (free for TC and Sophia students, teachers and alumni)
場所:上智大学 2号館402
会費:500円 (TCと上智関係者は会費無料)More information on Human Library
Human Library Explained in a Minute:
Life of an ATCK Human Library Event Report (Japanese):