Sept 19 CUAAJ Reley Seminar: Ms Muto (BUS 2012)

RSVP from here

Theme:Building a New Business in Japan:  How Uber Eats Japan went from an unknown startup business to a market leader with top brand recognition

テーマ: 新規事業を立ち上る:どのようにしてUber Eatsは無名の新規事業からトップブランド認知のマーケットリーダーに成長したか

This event will be conducted in Japanese language

Speaker: Ms. Yukiko Muto /武藤友木子様(BUS 2012)

Profile/略歴:マッキンゼー東京オフィスのパートナーとして、事業成長機会の特定、成長の促進、持続的成長に必要な能力の開発といった面から企業を支援。 マッキンゼー入社前は様々な分野で事業を成功させ、日本の大手企業や、グローバル企業において部門長や代表職、取締役を歴任。 直近ではUber Eatsの日本代表として、 在任期間4年間で登録飲食店数を2,500から180,000に拡充、総流通額を急拡大させ、日本をUberの優先市場に押し上げた。
Yukiko is a partner in McKinsey’s Tokyo office, helping organizations identify business growth opportunities, accelerate growth, and develop capabilities required for the sustainable growth. Prior to McKinsey, Yukiko gained a variety of operational experiences as an entrepreneur, the senior leader of a leading Japanese corporation, and the president, country manager, and board director of various global companies. Most recently, she built an online food ordering-and-delivery business in Japan and grew its restaurant network from 2,500 to over 180,000, as well as increased its gross bookings during her four-year tenure, which helped elevate Japan as a global priority market for the company.


日時:2023年9月19日 19:00-20:00

形式:zoom webinar (access 情報はRSVP後イベントの数日前におおくりします)

トピック:新規事業を立ち上る:どのようにしてUber Eatsは無名の新規事業からトップブランド認知のマーケットリーダーに成長したか(Building a New Business in Japan: How Uber Eats Japan went from an unknown startup business to a market leader with top brand recognition) (イベントは日本語にて行われます。)

講師:武藤友木子(BUS 2012)Profile


Event Information:

Date, Time: Sept. 19, 2023 19:00-20:00

Format: Zoom Webinar (Access information will be given upon RSVP a few days before the event)

Topic: 新規事業を立ち上る:どのようにしてUber Eatsは無名の新規事業からトップブランド認知のマーケットリーダーに成長したか(Building a New Business in Japan: How Uber Eats Japan went from an unknown startup business to a market leader with top brand recognition) (イベントは日本語にて行われます。)

(The event will be conducted In Japanese language)

Speaker: Ms. Yukiko Muto (BUS 2012) See profile here



Join us!



September 19, 2023 at 7:00pm - 8pm
