CBSCJ Annual Dinner on Nov 16 @ The International House of Japan
CBSCJ cordially invites all the members and friends of CBSCJ for the annual dinner. Please join us for the quality time with fellow members. We have set special pricing for recent alumni. Please join us as this will be a great opportunity to network within CBS community. There will be annual membership meeting as well with Keynote speech. (Speaker TBD)
11月16日Tokyo American Club にてannual dinnerを開催いたします。最近の卒業生の方へのご参加促進の意味も込め、卒業後5年以内の卒業生の方に特別な価格を設定いたしました。ネットワーキングのよい機会にもなりますので、ぜひ奮ってご参加ください。同時に年次総会も開催いたします、加えてKeynote Speechもございます。
キーノート:日本ロレアル(株)EVP楠田倫子さん (MBA94)
Fee: Payment through Peatix
Event details:
Date and time: Nov. 16, 2023 19:00 – 21:00 (Door opens at 18:30)
Venue: The International House of Japan, Inc.
Format: Seating Buffet
Fee (through Peatix)
CBS class of 2019-2023 and incoming students:(advance payment through Peatix): \5,000.-
CBSCJ Paid Member(advance payment through Peatix): \10,000.-
CBSCJ Non Member(advance payment through Peatix): \11,000.-
Cash paid at the door(You need RSVP through Peatix): \12,000.-
Please contact [email protected] for your inquiry on membership
場所:The International House of Japan, Inc.
5,000円:CBS class of 2019-2023、および在学生・入学予定者(Peatix経由事前支払い)
10,000円:CBSCJ 有料会員(Peatix経由事前支払い)
11,000円:CBSCJ 非会員(Peatix経由事前支払い)
会員資格についてのお問い合わせ:[email protected]
Please join us!
Contact: [email protected]