Feb 29, 2024
Gluck教授とともに「フランク・ロイド・ライト 世界を結ぶ建築」展見学会/ visit the exhibition 'Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture Connecting the World' at the Panasonic Shiodome Museum of Art and listen to a talk by Professor Carol Gluck of Columbia University.
RSVP: https://20240229flwcuaajevent.peatix.com
Event Summary
Date: Feb 29, 2024 18:00PM -
Venue: Panasonic Shiodome Museum of Art and Restaurant Nearby
Fee: CUAAJ paid member (for the year): 6,000 Yen
Non Member: 7,000 yen
(The fee include: admission to the museum, food and drinks)
RSVP through Peatix
(Please RSVP by Feb 23)
Event details:
「フランク・ロイド・ライト 世界を結ぶ建築」展見学会のお知らせ
2月29日木曜日にコロンビア大学のキャロル・グラック教授を迎えて パナソニック汐留美術館で開催中のフランク・ロイド・ライト 世界を結ぶ建築」展を見学したうえでお話をお伺いする機会を設けました。
〇「フランク・ロイド・ライト 世界を結ぶ建築」展概要
〇キャロル・グラック教授は、アメリカの学者、日本学者です。彼女はコロンビア大学の歴史学のジョージ・サンソム名誉教授であり、1996 年にはアジア研究協会の会長を務めました。
グラック教授はイリノイ州シカゴで生まれ、 1962 年にウェルズリー大学で学士号を取得しました。1977年にコロンビアで博士号取得しました。
著書に『歴史で考える』(岩波書店)、『戦争の記憶・学生との対話 コロンビア大学特別講義』(講談社現代新書)。共著に『日本はどこへ行くのか』(講談社学術文庫)、『思想史としての現代日本』(岩波書店)などがある。
18:00-18:30 5階ホール4にて スライドトーク(学芸員 大村理恵子様)
18:30-19:10 特別延長開館 「フランク・ロイド・ライト 世界を結ぶ建築」会場の見学
19:15-19:45 5階ホール4にて コロンビア大学キャロル・グラック教授のお話
20:00-21:00 近隣のレストランにてレセプション
参加費:CUAAJ 会員(本年度の年会費支払いの方):6,000円
"On Thursday, February 29th, we have arranged an opportunity to visit the exhibition 'Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture Connecting the World' at the Panasonic Shiodome Museum of Art and listen to a talk by Professor Carol Gluck of Columbia University.
Overview of the exhibition 'Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture Connecting the World'
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) was a master of modern American architecture He is known for his works such as the Kaufmann House (Fallingwater) and the Guggenheim Museum. He also designed the second Imperial Hotel (partially relocated and preserved at the Meiji-mura Museum) and the Jiyu Gakuen, and was an avid fan of ukiyo-e prints. He was an architect who had a deep connection with Japan.
In 2012, more than 50,000 documents, including drawings, from the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation were transferred to the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library at Columbia University. Since then, research has been conducted to reveal Wright's broad vision and intelligence that spanned architecture, art, design, writing, landscaping,
education, technological innovation, and urban planning.
This exhibition reveals Wright's figure as an architect who interacted with diverse cultures and always pursued pioneering activities, with the Imperial Hotel as the axis.
Professor Carol Gluck is an American academic and Japanologist. She is the George Sansom Professor Emerita of History at Columbia University and served as the president of the Association for Asian Studies in 1996.
Gluck was born in Chicago, Illinois, and received her B.A. from Wellesley in 1962. She was awarded her Ph.D. from Columbia in 1977.
Date: Thursday, February 29
18:00-18:30 Slide talk by Rieko Omura, the curator, at Hall 4 on the 5th floor
18:30-19:10 Visiting the exhibition "Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture"
19:15-19:45 Talk by Professor Carol Gluck of Columbia University at Hall 4 on the 5th floor
Exit and move
20:00-21:00 Reception with Professor Gluck's remarks (Venue TBD)
Ticket: RSVP with Peatix :
Fee: CUAAJ paid member (for the year): 6,000 Yen
Non Member: 7,000 yen
(The fee include: admission to the museum, food and drinks)
CUAAJ (Columbia University Alumni Association of Japan)