CUAAJ Relay Seminar Apr 4 Ms Shimazu BUS93 and Ms. Kusuda BUS94

April 4 (Monday) , 2022: 19:00pm (JST)

CUAAJ Relay Seminar: Ms. Shimazu (BUS 93), Ms. Kusuda (BUS 94) will talk about "Careers in the fashion and beauty industry". 

RSVP: Here!


あるいはメール([email protected]) にて名前、卒業年度、スクール、連絡先をご連絡ください。/ Or email us ([email protected]) with your name, contact information, school, year graduated. 
registration address:

Event information:



Event details:
Date: April 4 (Mon) , 19:00-20:30 (JST)
Format: Zoom Webinar (Access information will be informed prior to the event)
Topic: Careers in the fashion and beauty industry
Ms. Hiromi Shimazu (CBS MBA 1993): The founder, designer and chief executive officer of Princess HIromi Inc.
Ms. Tomoko Kusuda (CBS MBA 1994): Vice President of Nihon L’Oreal KK
The event is conducted in Japanese language.

日時:4月4日(月)19:00-20:30 (JST)
形式:zoom webinar (アクセス情報はRSVP受領後お送りします。イベントの数日前となります)
島津洋美様 (CBS MBA 1993):Princess Hiromi Inc.創設者、デザイナー、最高経営責任者
楠田倫子様 (CBS MBA 1994):日本ロレアル株式会社ヴァイスプレジデント





Dear CUAAJ members:

Ms. Shimazu (BUS 93) and Ms. Kusuda (BUS 94) will talk about "Careers in the fashion and beauty industry". Those who wants to work in the industry, this will be very interesting topic.

Please join!

It will be panel discussion style / 当日はパネルディスカッションスタイルで行います。

こちらが当日議論するトピックの例です。/ Here's the discussion topics (will be finalized) (Moderation will be done by Hajime Kosai BUS 96)

1. ファッション業界への入り方/いきさつ / How to get into the fashion industry with an MBA
2. 大手欧米ファッション企業での仕事内容 / Work experience with leading US/European Fashion companies
3. 管理職でMBA のスキルで必要なもの / MBA skill sets helpful necessary/ for the executive positions
4. 欧米のファッション企業で日本マーケットの重要性 / Importance and uniqueness of the Japanese market and any advantages for Japanese MBAs
5. ファッション業界の将来の傾向 / Future direction of the industry (use of AI) /
6. コロンビアの卒業生でメリットのあった事 / Benefits being part of the community of CBS

Profiles of the speaker:

島津洋美様 / Ms. Hiromi Shimazu: click here

楠田倫子様 / Ms. Tomoko Kusuda:click here

April 04, 2022 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
