December 13 , 2024
Inter-Collegiate Bonenkai
Please RSVP by Dec 6 and pay in advance.
Dear all alumni from intercollegiate schools:
Columbia University Alumni Association of Japan, University of Michigan Alumni Association of Japan and Temple University cordially invites you to 2024 Bonenkai for Inter-collegiate alumni members.
Event summary
When: Dec 13, 7pm-10pm
Where: Temple University, Japan Campus
1-14-29 Taishido
Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Japan 154-0004
Ticket price include drinks and light foods
Please RSVP on Peatix so that we can manage the numbers and appropriately prepare for the event.
Please also pay in advance on Peatix.
The fees are:
Young alumni: class of 2015-2024: pay ¥2,500 on Peatix.
Others: pay ¥4,500 on Peatix
¥5,000 at the door (given the capacity we may not be able to admit entrance at the door so please pre-register/pay on Peatix)
Currently, alumni club from following schools are participating.
Columbia University
University of Michigan
Temple University
Princeton University
The University of Pennsylvania
We will add the list as we get confirmationAlumni from other schools are also welcome.
It is first come ,first served basis.
We are looking forward to meeting with you.
Hajime Kosai ([email protected]): Columbia University
Kaoru Yoshida ([email protected]): University of Michigan
Geo Otsu ([email protected]): Temple University